In our Kids Karate classes this month we have been talking about ‘RESPECT’.  We have been sharing that RESPECT is really treating other people as if they are important.  We are going to tie this in to both how they treat authority (parents, teachers, etc.) as well as how they treat people their age and younger.  To kick off the discussion I shared the following story:

One day, there was a New York businessman who was running late for work.  As he rushed to catch the train he noticed a homeless man selling pencils at a table.  In his frenzy – he dropped a dollar into the cup and hurriedly stepped aboard the subway train. 

On the second thought, he stepped back off the train, walked over to the homeless man and took several pencils from the cup.  Apologetically, he explained that in his haste he had neglected to pick up his pencils and he hoped the man wouldn’t be upset with him.  “After all,”  he said.  “You are a business man just like myself.  You have merchandise to sell and it’s fairly priced.”  He then caught the next train.

At a social convention a few months later, a neatly-dressed salesman stepped up to the business man an introduced himself.  “You probably don’t remember me, and I don’t know your name but I will never forget you.  You are the man who gave me back my self-respect.  I was a ‘beggar’ selling pencils until you came along and told me I was a business person.”

It is our hope that all our students will be inspired to treat everyone they encounter with dignity and respect.  As always, we love to hear back from you on how these stories and discussions may be coming up at home and at school.