Krav Maga Fighting Seminar with Alan Predolin
HMA is pleased to announce that we will again be welcoming Krav Maga 360 Chief Instructor Alan Predolin for another great Seminar. Alan has a fascinating resume that includes service in both the Italian Army and the U.S. Army. It was in his time with the Italian Military that he was stationed in Israel and first trained Krav Maga. He later moved to the U.S. and trained under Eyal Yanilov (successor to Krav Maga founder Imi Lichtenfeld). He went on to leadership roles with multiple organizations including the International Krav Maga Federation USA and Krav Maga Global USA. He owns two schools in Los Angelos, has over 1,000 students and teaches ongoing courses for local/federal law enforment and military units from all branches. In additon to his extensive Krav Maga and military training, he holds a Blue Belt in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and Instructor certifications in Muay Thai and Kali.
Beginning at 7 pm, Alan will lead a Krav Maga Fighting Seminar. Want to learn how to fight? Come out to train with one of the nation’s premier Krav Maga Instructors. See how Krav Maga blends Muay Thai, Wrestling and Jiu-Jitsu to build well rounded fighting and self defense skills. In this action packed seminar, we will drill stand up kickboxing, takedown defense and ground defense to bring your fighting skills to the next level. You must be age 14 & up to participate. Participants are required to bring boxing gloves (12 oz or highter), shin guards and mouth pieces. For men, protedctive cups (groin protection) is also highly recommended. Space is limited. The pricing is $39 for the 2 hour seminar. You can register at this link: